Translated: Teoría Democrática y Coerción fronteriza
Video: The Special-Obligations Challenge to More Open Borders
Chapter: The Special-Obligations Challenge to More Open Borders
Article: Wage Competition and the Special-Obligations Challenge to More Open Borders
Debate: On Carens's The Ethics of Immigration
Article: A Critique of the "Common Ownership of the Earth" Thesis
Article: Démocratie, nation et ethnie : le problème des frontières
Audio: Démocratie, nation et ethnie : le problème des frontières
Audio: Interview about Immigration (Public Ethics Radio)
Article: On the Demos and its Kin: Nationalism, Democracy, and the Boundary Problem
Article: Is There a Genuine Tension between Cosmopolitan Egalitarianism and Special Responsibilities
Article: Cooperation, Pervasive Impact, and Coercion: On the Scope (not Site) of Distributive Justic
Article: Liberal Egalitarian Arguments for Closed Borders
Article: Does Collective Identity Presuppose an Other?
Article: Intro to the Rome Statute of the ICC