
Job rides the leviathan in front of a grotesque procession of demons and tormentors, line engraving by M. Source: Wellcome Library

Rembrandt, 1631

Isaiah Zachary Razi Abizadeh, 2015

W. Lloyd MacKenzie

Tim Van Horn

Charles de Gaulle 1667

Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1989-1118-018, Berlin, Grenzübergang Bornholmer Straße

Hollar, 1665 (Wellcome Library)

Jean-Pierre Norblin de La Gourdaine, c. 1790

Delegates of the International Bahai Convention

François Dubois c. 1572-84

USS Arizona burning Pearl Harbor Attack

Destroyed Iraqi T-72 tank, Gulf War

W. Faithorne, 1668

17th C Japanese

Jean-Jacques Rousseau Armenian costume

Burgos Estépar

Jose Antonio Agirre Lekube speech in Basque Nationalism Meeting, 1933

Gustav Adolph Spangenberg, 1883-88

Photo by Saffron Blaze

Cesare Maccari, 1888 fresco

1999 photo by Carol Guzy

Giambettino Cignaroli (1706-1770)

Hendrick Goltzius 1558-1617 engraving (Rijksmuseum)

Fresco by Spinello Aretino (1350–1410): Frederick Barbarossa submits to the authority of Pope Alexander III, Palazzo Pubblico

Charles Landseer 1851 (Alte Nationalgalerie

By Terence Faircloth, detail of a mural by Revisecmw and charles.utero.the3rd on south wall of Co-Prosperity Sphere, 3221 South Morgan, Chicago