Chapter: Hobbes's Theory of the Good: Felicity by Anticipatory Pleasure
Audio: Interview on Hobbes's Ethics @PhilosophyBites
Audio: Interview on Hobbes
Review by Paul Sagar: Hobbes & the Two Faces of Ethics
Audio: Entrevue sur Hobbes
Review by Ioannis Evrigenis: Hobbes & the Two Faces of Ethics
Review by Devin Stauffer: Hobbes & the Two Faces of Ethics
Article: Subjectivism, Instrumentalism, and Prudentialism about Reasons
Recensão por Manuel Lencastre Cardoso: Hobbes & the Two Faces of Ethics
Recension par Éric Marquer: Hobbes & the Two Faces of Ethics
Recension par Luc Foisneau: Hobbes & the Two Faces of Ethics
Colloquium: Hobbes & the Two Faces of Ethics
Book: Hobbes and the Two Faces of Ethics
Article: In Defence of the Universalization Principle in Discourse Ethics
Arash Abizadeh, Department of Political Science, McGill University, 855, rue Sherbrooke ouest, Montréal, Québec, Canada H3A 2T7