Syllabus: Democratic Theory
Workshop: A Commitment to Equality - with Paul Gowder
Lecture: Ethnicity, Nation, and the State | مروری بر مفاهیم قومیت، ملت و دولت
Translated: Geschlossene Grenzen, Menschenrechte und demokratische Legitimation
Article: A Critique of the "Common Ownership of the Earth" Thesis
Article: Démocratie, nation et ethnie : le problème des frontières
Opinion: The Charter of Values and its Medieval Mindset
Opinion: La Charte des valeurs et sa mentalité médiévale
Article: Publicity, Privacy, and Religious Toleration in Hobbes's Leviathan
Audio: Démocratie, nation et ethnie : le problème des frontières
Audio: Interview about Immigration (Public Ethics Radio)
Workshop: Something of Slavery Still Remains - with Alex Gourevitch
Chapter: Representation of Hobbesian Sovereignty
Article: On the Demos and its Kin: Nationalism, Democracy, and the Boundary Problem
Workshop: The Authority of Democracy - with Daniel Viehoff
Article: Hobbes on the Causes of War
Workshop: Radical Cosmopolitics - with James Ingram
Chapter: Closed Borders, Human Rights, and Democratic Legitimation
Translated: Этничность, раса и человечество, возможное в будущем
Chapter: Citizenship, Immigration, and Boundaries
Workshop: Democratic Reason - with Hélène Landemore
Article: Democratic Legitimacy and State Coercion: A Reply to David Miller
Review: The Radical Hobbes
Debate: Response to Carens' "In Defense of Amnesty for Irregular Migrants"